Unlock the potential of your business with our expert HR solutions and outsourcing services.

Business Strategy

Crafting a strategic roadmap to unlock your business’s full potential and achieve long-term success

Quick Flexible Solutions

Quick, flexible solutions that adapt to your business needs, driving growth and efficiency

Premium Customer Service

Delivering exceptional customer support is the key to building strong relationships, fostering loyalty, and driving business success

About Us

Unlock the potential of your business

Welcome to Our Easy Game Outsourcing, your leading source for HR and staffing solutions in Lebanon. We specialize in providing businesses with the workforce they need to achieve their goals and succeed in today’s competitive market. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping you find the right people for your company, whether you need temporary workers or full-time employees.

We understand that every business is unique, which is why we offer customized solutions that are tailored to your specific needs. Our services include HR consulting, staffing and recruitment, and outsourcing. We work with a wide range of industries, including Engineering, Business, healthcare, finance, IT, and more.

Cost Savings

Outsourcing and leveraging HR and staffing services can result in significant cost savings for businesses. By partnering with our company, businesses can eliminate the need for in-house HR departments and associated overhead costs.

Expertise & Specialization

We offer access to a team of HR and staffing professionals who possess deep industry knowledge and expertise. Businesses can benefit from our specialized skills and experience to effectively handle various HR functions and ensure compliance with employment regulations

Focus on Core Competencies

Outsourcing HR and staffing functions allows businesses to focus on their core competencies and strategic initiatives. By entrusting these critical tasks to our company, businesses can allocate their resources and energy towards growing their core business areas.

Scalability & Flexibility

As businesses grow and evolve, their HR and staffing needs may fluctuate. Our services provide scalability and flexibility, allowing businesses to scale their workforce up or down as needed. This flexibility helps businesses adapt to changing market conditions and maintain optimal staffing levels

Why working with us

Partner with us to harness our expertise, drive growth, and elevate your business to new heights:

Enhanced Recruitment and Talent Acquisition

Compliance and Risk Management

Employee Satisfaction and Retention

Access to HR Technology and Systems

Unlock the potential of your business with

our expert HR solutions

We are Different

Staffing and Recruitment

We help businesses find the right people for their open positions, whether they need temporary workers or full-time employees. Our team of experts uses a variety of tools and resources to find the best candidates for your business.


We offer outsourcing services that allow businesses to focus on their core competencies while we handle their HR needs. We provide a range of services, including payroll processing, benefits administration, and more.

HR Consulting

Our HR consulting services are designed to help businesses improve their HR processes and procedures. We work with you to identify areas where you can improve, and provide you with the resources and guidance you need to succeed.

How It Works

We offer finance & Accounting Consulting For companies

Our Simple Process

Determine your needs

Collaborate with us to discuss your requirements via online meeting.

Select the best solution

We work with businesses to understand their needs and goals, and provide customized solutions to meet those needs


Our team is committed to providing exceptional service and support to ensure our clients’ success

Our Service

We offer a range of HR and staffing solutions to help businesses all over the world find and retain the right employees. We believe in delivering customized solutions that are tailored to your specific needs. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business succeed.Our services include

We offer a range of healthcare outsourcing services, including medical billing and coding, medical transcription, medical claims processing, and more. Our team of healthcare professionals has the skills and experience needed to help healthcare providers manage their administrative tasks more efficiently.

We provide a range of legal outsourcing services, including contract drafting and review, legal research, intellectual property management, and more. Our team of legal professionals has the expertise to help businesses navigate complex legal issues and protect their interests.

This involves the design and development of systems that transmit and receive information over long distances, such as telephone networks, satellite communication systems, and wireless communication systems.